23 May 2013

ThrowBack - Thursday

Today we will be giving you guys one old track to think about, yeap folks this is ThrowBack-Thursday.
ThrowBack-Thursdays have been crafted to help each and every one of y’all to remember all the old tracks that you used to bang on the stereo or on your CD walkman, remember that?

Some of us were only introduced to the sweet sounds of house music when these hot club bangers were released, talk about inspiration. ThrowBack-Thursday is being introduced to commemorate these legendary club hits.

IAmHouseMusicMag would like to thank and send a shout out to all the DJ’s out there making all these club bangers and the classics to be.

Today’s ThrowBack-Thursday track is from Mmithi’s essential selection 4, a good compilation in itself. Mmithi’s essential selection 4 was mixed by DJ TOKZEN, the album was released in 2006 by Sheer House.  This week’s track is “Something about you“ by Lorayne (Johanathan’s Morning Black Light Mix). Make sure you get yourself this track or album if you do not have it. 

We all know that if you listened to house music while you were young, whenever this track played you would  Mmbe elevated to another level. Whether it was played from a car passing by or on your way to school, you would just get this deep feeling within that was created by this track. That’s what made this track awesome and it is truly considered a club classic.

One thing I know is that this track was a hit in its era and if you didn’t have it you were considered as one of those folk who weren’t so cool. So for me back then it was like a must to have all the club bangers and it is still a huge priority to collect them ‘cause they are part of me. 

I feel that if you didn’t like this track you weren’t listening to house music and all you did was play the track because people liked it, I mean it was popular anyway, still is. If you liked the track it would make you ecstatic every time you listened to it. It was supposed to get you excited every time you thought about it, but that’s my opinion and this is ThrowBack-Thursday!

If you’re a house music lover, make sure you listen to house music and not just play the song cause you think you like it, listen to it, breathe it and live it.

by Katlego Nkwane - @thatkidbad
Find Katlego on Facebook as: Katlego Kats Nkwane

Here's the song of the moment!

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